Posts Tagged ‘self-feeding’

Drinking Out of a Cup

Saturday, August 13th, 2011 2:36 pm | By Stephanie Woo

Once your baby starts eating solids, introduce her to a cup. Not a sippy cup, but a real baby-sized glass cup (we use shot glasses). It will take some time for her to learn to drink without spillage, but it is worth it. Pour just 1/2 inch of water each time till they get better and better at drinking without spilling.

Brooke at 8.5 months, she loves drinking water by herself!

The Pleasure of Eating

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011 8:13 am | By Stephanie Woo

Today, I met a 1-yr-old who has only been allowed to feed herself cheerios. She is spoonfed the rest of the time. Her mom tells me she doesn’t like to eat, I told her it’s bc she hasn’t experienced the pleasure of food. When M&B eats, they grab it with their fingers, smear it on their face, some ends up on their chin, cheeks, legs and up their nose. They feel the cold wetness of watermelon, the warmth and slipperiness of farfalle pasta, and they love to squeeze their fingers through bananas! Brooke’s first word was, “Yummy.”

The “aftermath”

So much is possible for a 7-month old

Sunday, July 10th, 2011 8:00 am | By Stephanie Woo

My children show me what’s possible: a 7-month child old can get their own toys off the shelf to play, help feed themselves anything you put in their hand, help bring a bottle or cup to their mouth to drink, put themselves to sleep and sleep through the night. A 7 month old child can be SO capable, when given the right environment. Grateful for the wisdom of my mother, my siblings and Montessori.