$2 worth of Kleenex

Friday, November 18th, 2011 3:19 pm | By Stephanie Woo

Mackenzie has only done this twice and I didn’t stop her either time – though I had to stop the nanny from stopping her! If you find your baby doing this, don’t do anything. Sometimes they just NEED to experience pulling out the Kleenex! There’s no harm and you’re allowing them to follow their own inner guide. Besides, which toy can you buy these days for $2?!

Getting out of a chair

Friday, November 18th, 2011 3:00 pm | By Stephanie Woo

I’ve been teaching Brooke how to get out of the dining chair by herself. When she is done eating, I would push her chair out a little and then help her scoot her little bottom forward till her feet land on the floor. She’s finally gotten the hang of it by herself!

“See, I did that all myself!” — Brooke at 10 months

What is the best kind of shoes for my baby?

Friday, November 18th, 2011 1:21 pm | By Stephanie Woo

When your children are indoors, TAKE OFF THEIR SHOES. Children do not need shoes except to protect their feet. If they are outdoors or in school where they need shoes, put them in shoes that are SOFT, bendy and flexible.

Recommended Shoes:

  • Soft leather shoes (these shoes are my favorite)
  • Padded all leather shoes
  • Chinese slippers
  • Flexible sneakers
  • Canvas mary-janes that are easy to put on (made in Japan)


  • Crocs (the toe box is too big and distorts your child’s body scheme. Children in crocs can fall a lot)
  • Hard leather shoes
  • High-top shoes

But the best is NO SHOES AT ALL.