
星期三, 二月 22nd, 2012 6:29 pm | By Stephanie Woo




Brooke 与 Mackenzie现在已经14个月大了。比起上次更会走路,更会讲话,而且长大好多了哦!

Brooke现在越来越会用汤匙了,可以自己用汤匙吃一整碗麦片,优格/酸奶或米饭。为了让她自己学会吃饭(我辛辛苦苦地收拾残局收了好几个月﹐但非常 值得的!两天前,我给了她一个更难的挑战,让她自己吃早餐玉米饼和牛奶。虽然她们需要非常专注以及很好的手眼协调才能办得到,但是她们两个都很喜欢用汤匙把碗里的O一个个挖起来。我看,如果妈妈肯的话,她们一定希望整天都可以只吃早餐玉米饼和牛奶就好了!


Reader Comments (2)

  1. What should I do when all my child wants to do is drop the spoon and grab the oatmeal or whatever the food is with their fingers? Should I maybe have my own bowl of oatmeal at the same time to model for them?

    星期四, 十月 25th, 2012 1:19 pm | Blair
  2. That's an excellent idea, Blair. I always model eating for my children – we eat together at their little table during breakfast and lunch and then we all eat together at the adult table at dinner (they sit in their Stokke Tripp-Trapp high chair). I try to model as many good table manners as I can and it's easy when we are at dinner with Dad, so I can say things like, "Can you hand me some more vegetables, please? Thank you." Also, if they want to grab food with their fingers, just let them, and meanwhile, keep demonstrating eating with a spoon. They want to imitate adults, so the day will come when they just want to use the spoon and you can't wrestle it out of their little fingers!

    星期四, 十月 25th, 2012 1:41 pm | Stephanie Woo


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