星期六, 8月 13th, 2011 2:36 pm | By Stephanie Woo
Don't leave home without this: So Awesome.
My son is now 9.5 months and we’ve been working on drinking out of a cup for a couple of months now. He LOVES it, and is starting to really get the hang of it (as long as I only pour a very tiny drink into it – he really throws his head back dramatically!). In the past few days, however, as soon as he is done drinking he flings the cup and watches where it lands (he does this occasionally with food too). I think this is probably normal 9 month old behavior, but I’m not sure how to handle it. I tell him no throwing, and then I leave the cup on the floor (ignoring it). Any advice on what to do for cup flinging or food flinging in 9 month olds? Thanks!