在巴爾的摩的家Part II:我們吃飯的地方

星期四, 10月 18th, 2012 9:22 am | By Stephanie Woo


Reader Comments (8)

  1. What a great post. Now I want my child to start making her own smoothie. She is 14 mos and doesn't really care to drink anything though. Glad you are back blogging. I enjoy reading your page.

    星期六, 10月 20th, 2012 10:10 pm | Debbie
  2. 您好,
    我的女兒現在一歲三個月,我們剛搬來Ithaca, NY.



    星期六, 12月 8th, 2012 1:05 am | Ya-Shan
  3. Hi Ya Shan,


    關於吃飯﹐我建議你買一個這種類型的high chair: Stokke Tripp Trapp chair. 你可以Google看看。 孩子早飯﹐中飯﹐或吃點心時﹐可以坐斷奶桌﹐晚上家人一起吃飯時﹐可用high chair跟大家一起吃飯。 斷奶桌讓他練習獨立﹐high chair 讓他學會家人一起吃飯的感覺。 兩個都很重要。
    關於孩子抱著你的腿在廚房地上哭﹐我太能理解你的痛苦了! 我孩子以前也這樣。 我建議你買這個試試看﹕Learning Tower or Kitchen Helper Safety Tower. 這樣孩子很安全﹐又能看到你在做什麼,你一邊煮飯﹐他可以在旁’幫忙﹐” 你順便可以給他一些蔬菜,水果, 厨房用具﹐讓他探索。 你可以參考這﹕https://montessorionthedouble.com/2012/02/23/this-is-how-we-make-a-smoothie-together/ 和 https://montessorionthedouble.com/2012/05/30/playing-with-water-to-their-hearts-content/
    孩子最愛玩水﹐你可以把他放在Learning Tower 裡﹐放在水槽旁﹐給他一些大湯匙﹐小鍋子﹐任何可以裝水的東西﹐讓他玩水玩個夠!

    星期一, 12月 10th, 2012 2:53 pm | Stephanie Woo
  4. This is incredible!! Thank you for so many wonderful suggestions!! I can’t wait to try some of this! -Amy

    星期六, 6月 29th, 2013 2:29 pm | Amy @ Wildflower Ramblings
  5. What a great article!

    Did you replace the chairs at your weaning table after your children were able to sit better on their own? Or do you think a very young child (6 months) could manage without armrests from the start?

    星期三, 12月 17th, 2014 11:31 am | Kaitlin Luksa
    • Kaitlin, Yes, I started with chairs with armrests when they were six months old. Then at about 14-15 months, I replaced them with light, slatted chairs without armrest. A 6-month-old would not be able to sit in a chair without an armrest. But for a 14 month old, the heavy chair becomes a hindrance. That’s how fast they change and how we must adapt the environment to their needs at each age!

      星期三, 1月 28th, 2015 11:44 am | Stephanie Woo
  6. This is so cute and amazing!

    星期一, 5月 30th, 2016 2:57 pm | Maggie
  7. Can you share the details of the carpenter in Denver who made the chairs please?

    星期六, 10月 13th, 2018 12:02 am | Mini


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