
星期日, 12月 16th, 2012 9:04 pm | By Stephanie Woo


Reader Comments (4)

  1. I really enjoy following along on your journey of raising your girls.

    I am not a parent but a hopeful teacher in training, and I understand just a little the fear you feel about guns after this tragedy. However, how will limiting access to them help? Those who break the laws don’t care and those who do will be left unarmed. If a teacher in that school had been armed they might have been able to protect their students.

    I am not a fan of guns, but our world is dangerous.

    We need to be taught how to properly use what is dangerous.

    The act that occurred in Connecticut is evidence of another issue. A culture that is desensitized to violence. A place where the ill are not healed and their minds left un-helped. The man who shot the gun was ill.

    It is rare that a shooting like this happens. Let us pray it stays that way.

    Thank-you for sharing your opinion. I pray that your heart will gain some peace knowing this is rare, and that you will consider what I have said.


    星期一, 12月 17th, 2012 10:32 am | Valerie
  2. @Valerie
    Are you really suggesting that teachers carry loaded guns in a school?
    What happens if a child picks up that gun thinking it’s a toy ?
    What happens if an emotional, bullied teenager gets hold of it in a heightened state of emotion?

    Surely that goes further to reinforcing the desensitising of violence when young, impressible children are exposed to guns being carried around by their teachers.
    Teaching children you have to carry a gun to feel safe is not a lesson to be learnt.
    This is possibly one of the most ridiculous, idiotic ideas I have heard in a long time.
    No idea what planet you’re on, but glad there’s a lot of ocean between your country and mine.

    星期一, 12月 17th, 2012 5:54 pm | Alison
  3. I’m sorry it does sound like I am suggesting teachers carry gun. Not what I meant. Sorry. This is a really sensitive subject and really unclear to me and I should have kept my thoughts to myself till they were more clear. My only point is I don’t think it made sense to prevent people who have good intentions from having that security when there are people out there with bad intentions who will ignore the law.

    …I did get to thinking about your point that the access to multiple un-needed guns is ridiculous.


    星期二, 12月 18th, 2012 2:49 pm | Valerie
  4. Thank you for your comments. This is a sensitive, complicated issue and we all need to talk it through to figure out what we actually believe in. Writing this blog helped me arrange my thoughts tremendously. There is no better time and place! Thank you for making your voice heard – thoughtful conversations are what we need.

    星期四, 12月 20th, 2012 10:04 am | Stephanie Woo


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