
星期六, 九月 17th, 2011 2:48 pm | By Stephanie Woo

我最喜欢讨论“吃”这个话题了。同时喂两个宝宝吃东西不是一件容易的事。所以如果您想要让自己的生活更轻松的话,就不得不在家里制造一个又安全又对 儿童友好的饮食环境,培养他们对爱吃饭和爱喂自己吃饭的习惯。不用我说,您也应该想象得出,一开始一定会乱七八糟的。这时,您需要的是耐心。只要他们一上手,您肯定会被宝宝们的潜能给吓到!

在我购买的婴儿产品当中,我最喜欢的是我的断奶桌椅。桌子差不多24平方英尺,还有两个大小适合儿童的椅子。桌椅的尺寸非常重要。虽然我的桌椅是在Michael Olaf购买的,您也可请个木匠帮您量身制作一个(请随时通过电邮向我要尺寸!)。我差不多花了150元美金在桌子上,椅子各100元美金左右。因爲是木制的,桌椅都非常坚固,也很重,所以宝宝不容易移动桌椅。这能够确保宝宝的安全。如果您的孩子是大力士的话,您也可以在桌椅下加上铁板,增加它们的重量。









Reader Comments (7)

  1. Environment, then foster their love for eating AND their love to feed themselves, then your job as mom will be much easier. You will need patience because in the beginning it will be a mess. It really will be. But once they get the hang of it, you will be amazed at what your children are capable of

    星期一, 四月 9th, 2012 11:18 am | Stage Hypnotist
  2. Your post is wonderful. My girl is just 7 months old now too. I've been introducing glassware cup too since like 6 months, but I feed the water to her mouth actually, as I saw she uses her pincer grasp to grasp the mouth of the cup instead of holding the cup from the roundside of it. With the milk bottle she would do it okay with both her hands holding it. Can I get some insight from you that how I should assist her learn hold the cup with both of her hands like holding the bottle? Thank you so much!

    星期二, 十月 23rd, 2012 12:53 pm | qoosmicah
  3. Hi!
    I’m setting up our home with Montessori-inspired areas for our 11 month old. Would you be able to share with me the dimensions of your weaning table and chair. Also, do you have an idea of what age children will outgrow it?
    Thank you!

    星期四, 十月 23rd, 2014 1:34 pm | sasha
    • Hi Sasha, If you take a look at my friend Jeanne-Marie’s website http://www.voilamontessori.com/en/resources/downloads/, you’ll see the dimensions of the weaning table and chair. I bought mine from Michael Olaf, which you can search for online. Believe it or not, my children still use that table today, and they are 2 months away from turning 4-years-old. They don’t eat there because they are too tall for it, but they still use it as a baking/prepping table almost everyday…

      星期六, 十月 25th, 2014 4:55 pm | Stephanie Woo
  4. Hi Stephanie,

    I bumped into your post and watch some of the videos you posted of your twins. Let me start by saying I’m extremely impressed by how good they are at helping themselves at mealtime. My son is 18 months and I wish he would be willing to do some of the stuff that your twins did. Bravo!!

    I would like to ask for your opinion on some of the things you discussed in your post.
    1. I’m looking for a small set of table and chair for my son. I am choosing between the Michael Olaf First Chair or Slatted Chair. Do you think a toddle will outgrow the First Chair pretty quickly? Should I just skip the First Chair and go right for the Slatted Chair since my son’s already 18 months?
    2. For drinking glass, I do want to use glass. But am afraid that my son will throw stuff and break them. Does your kids do that at all? And for dishes, does Corelle really doesn’t break easily, would it withstand a little bit of throwing around by a toddler?


    星期三, 二月 11th, 2015 11:08 pm | Bunfuns
  5. Hello,

    I wish I’ve come across your blog much earleir. My twins are now 2.5 yr Olds and they are still very picky eaters. The only thing they consume consistently is milk.
    Do you perhaps have any recommendations on making them eat more variety?

    Much thanks!!

    星期五, 九月 9th, 2016 4:57 pm | Maureen
  6. Great post! I started my 2.5yr old on glassware about a month ago. It’s really made a difference in how careful he is. I now have a 5mth old and would like to get a weaning table/chair made. Could you please send me dimensions please? Greatly appreciated!!

    星期三, 五月 2nd, 2018 11:07 pm | Kara


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