
星期五, 十一月 18th, 2011 1:21 pm | By Stephanie Woo



  • 软皮鞋-鞋底是用软的皮革做的
  • 中国功夫鞋
  • 有弹性的运动鞋
  • 帆布Mary-Jane(日本制)


  • Crocs鞋(虽然方便﹐但它的鞋头的设计太宽大,会扭曲孩子对自己脚的感觉。穿Crocs鞋的孩子容易跌倒﹐而且穿习惯后很难换穿其他鞋。)
  • 硬皮鞋
  • 高帮鞋


Reader Comments

  1. This post is truly all to important. Many children's shoes are not designed for the fit of the child but for aesthetics and what not. Children who are fitted with improper shoes that are too small, too big, too stiff, etc will alter the formation and development of their feet that can be debilitating in the long run. Often times I will hear parents hand down shoes that other children have outgrown or even buy shoes a size bigger because their child's feet grow so fast. Instead I suggest looking at it with this question, "What would be healthy for your child's feet at this present moment?"

    星期六, 十一月 19th, 2011 2:37 pm | Daisy Shah


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