
星期一, 十月 15th, 2012 2:34 pm | By Stephanie Woo


Reader Comments (17)

  1. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing! I love the child-sized sink in your home! Your girls are very lucky to have a Montessori Mom and a handy Dad! Thank you for sharing how your husband made it. I would love to see more of your home and some close-ups of the activities on the shelves that you are offering your girls.

    星期三, 十月 17th, 2012 12:02 pm | Carrie
  2. What a beautiful, thoughtful and inspiring place! Wish we could pop round for a visit (the hike from Australia would probably be a bit much :P)

    星期三, 十月 17th, 2012 4:22 pm | Rachel
  3. HI Carrie, Thanks for writing! Come back and read often! I'll be posting more about individual activities on our shelves throughout the next two months but it'll be sprinkled with many other topics as well. I've got articles scheduled to early December…

    星期四, 十月 18th, 2012 3:25 pm | Stephanie Woo
  4. I've shared this on my school's facebook page – I recently did Independence at Home as a parent ed topic – I googled some images to share with them but now they've got this awesome tour to follow!

    星期一, 十月 22nd, 2012 5:54 pm | Megan
  5. Where did he find directions for this??? I need to make one of these!

    星期三, 二月 20th, 2013 2:55 am | Angela
  6. This is just wonderful. My husband and I have been reading your blog as we have 15 month twins (b/g) that will be attending a montessori preschool. We have limited space in our small home and want to maximize it as best we can. Do you feel comfortable showing pictures of the piping on the sink or telling me how to do it? We would like to make one of our own. Thank you so much for all of your insight! It helps so much to see others pave the way. xoxo Stephanie

    星期二, 七月 16th, 2013 1:13 pm | Stephanie
    • It is embarrassing how long ago some of these questions were asked, but I figure it’s better late than never to respond! The large table in the center is an IKEA children’s table, with legs cut off. If you’re looking, it’s the IKEA children’s table with adjustable legs, but I found that it was still too high for toddlers. When in doubt, shorter is always better than too tall. They can always bend over to work, but when it’s too tall, it really becomes a hindrance to their independence. The bookshelf can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0028XBXJY/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_1?pf_rd_p=1944687622&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B002C6AV9K&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=17SJB9EAWPHCXET8X85Q

      As for the piping, my husband was going to do a tutorial, but never got around to it. I’m very sorry about this! He basically bought a regular sink from Home Depot, chopped it down to a height that would be suitable for children, got a boat water pump, and then placed a big flat plastic water container under the sink. The boat-pump pumps water from the plastic water container when the child turns on the faucet. The water then drains back into the same plastic water container. You need to change the water everyday, with this solution. I admit this is not an easy solution and not one that everyone has the time and energy to make, but your toddler NEEDS (IN A BIG WAY) some method of accessing water independently. Here’s a suggestion, get one of those large water containers with a spigot, buy a sturdy table, place the container on the table inside the bathtub. This way children can go in and fetch water that way without making a big mess. Any other suggestions out there?

      星期六, 十月 25th, 2014 6:31 pm | Stephanie Woo
  7. Love the Montessori enviroment. I wanted to know how tall are the tables and chairs, also about the book display how big is it…trying to buy similar things to my 13 months old. Thanks a lot, love your work and love to your babies

    星期四, 八月 15th, 2013 12:09 am | Ellie
  8. Please share with me where you got that big desk and chair. I love it 🙂

    星期四, 十一月 28th, 2013 2:11 am | Spencer Yu
  9. I would love more in depth info on how to create the kid sink. It is so handy!

    星期二, 八月 1st, 2017 5:46 pm | melissa
  10. Could you tell and show how you made the sink so it works?

    星期五, 十月 20th, 2017 9:35 pm | Dana
  11. Hi..Could you tell me how this was made? I’d love to make one for my son.

    星期三, 三月 14th, 2018 9:28 am | Ryan
  12. Very nice job for the sink. I’d lije to make one for my grand-son and will look for parts but need some hints to find them in France. Plse could you explain how you power & control the pump so that I could start making one for him? Many thanks.

    星期六, 三月 31st, 2018 4:40 pm | Jacques
  13. Hi
    Saw the sink. I’d like to make one for my grand-kid. I have questions about the pump and its power. Plse could you telle me what is the power needed fot hte pmp and how you power it. Many thanks. RGDS

    星期三, 九月 12th, 2018 10:13 am | Zed
  14. Vorrei acquistare il lavandino come posso fsre?

    星期六, 一月 2nd, 2021 8:00 am | Valentina
  15. Hello!
    Thank you for sharing!
    I have been looking for diy options for a children‘s sink.
    Would you feel comfortable sharing details how you built yours?
    I‘d love to build one for my 14 month old son.
    Thank you so much and all the best for your family.

    星期六, 一月 9th, 2021 6:46 pm | Nicole
  16. I’m also looking for more specific directions on the vanity part. Did your husband just cut the door across the bottom to make it shorter? I’d love more insight and more pictures. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for!

    星期日, 六月 13th, 2021 3:42 pm | Sheena


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