星期三, 十月 24th, 2012 4:02 pm | By Stephanie Woo
去 年,我拜访蒙特梭利学校时,我看到老师带领孩子们穿外套,乍看之下,我觉得她们的方法有点蠢,实在是因为我自己的无知,今年,我才了解到,那种方法,真是 有智慧,发明这种方法的人,一定对于孩子的发展以及能力有深刻的了解。如果要让幼儿跟成人一样一次放一只手进去来穿外套,几乎不太可行,因为她们的手比较 短,但是,我现在介绍的这个方法,让我的孩子们不需要成人的协助,试个几次就能自己来。看以下的视频:
■ 要能够让幼儿这样做,要有一个平台让孩子放置她的外套
■ 外套的内里要朝上摆放,外套的领子要朝身体摆放,引导小孩时,就高告诉她要将标签往自己的肚子靠。
■ 教孩子将两只手都伸进去袖子里。
■ 帮着孩子双臂往上往后伸。
■ 真的能成功的,并且小孩之后都能够学会自己穿。
Knox is now 14 months old. Is it too early to have him start trying to do this? He has always put his arms through for me when I dress him, and raised his arms obligingly when I undress him.
Grace, You should observe him to see if he’s ready. I think at 14 months, you can start with teaching him to put on pants, pull-ups (if he’s in paper diapers) or underwear, even socks. On second thought, if you are collaborating with him, I don’t see why you wouldn’t show him how to do this too! Let me know how it works out with him!
This is how I learned how to put my jacket on in day care when I was little…honestly don’t remember how old I was just remember doing it…my boys learned the same way (minus the youngest, because I didn’t teach them, their preschool did, need to work with the 22 month old) at a preschool that is run by the same org (military child development centers, which as I read more on Montessori, I think have a lot of Montessori to them, though the kid ages are not as wide spread and meals are structured, but the kids serve themselves from a young age…)
My son can do this at 20 mo old already, I showed him once then I caught him practicing on his own. Now he does it, but sometimes upside down. He takes a while, but then exclaims, “I did it!” When it’s on. He’ll be 21 mo soon.
I am hoping to get some solid advice. My 3 year old attends a small Montessori school in a class of 6 children.
I need to know if I’m just new to how they are expected to learn.
His lunch is required to be in a single lid container that they can open and close themselves. They aren’t allowed to wear shoes that tie. He is often very dirty when I pick him up, sometimes without his coat. They have a red time out chair. Does all of this seem normal for a 3 year old. I’m worried I am just new to all of this.