I am SO glad you are keeping it real with us! So often I read other blogs and wonder if MY children are the only ones throwing food on the floor, walking away from the table after eating 3 bites, spreading the uncooked beans on the floor rather than doing a scooping exercise, and just generally going crazy! I suspect everyone has their moments, but it’s nice to have someone admit to them,so the rest of us don’t wonder why our children aren’t the perfect specimens some blogs portray: )
星期三, 一月 30th, 2013 11:13 pm | Blair
I have two year old twin boys, no nanny and husband at work. What you’ve just experienced I have at home on daily basis. People probably wonder why I’m not overly energetic and bubbly when we go to the park, for example, but I’m just exhausted. When I’m not at home with the boys, I’m at work. Twins are hard.
星期五, 二月 1st, 2013 6:58 pm | Jenny
Thanks for sharing, Stephanie! This is exactly why I read your blog (even though I don’t have time! Not sure how you have time to write it!) – we are all trying to do the best for our children but we are human too 🙂
Hope your hubbie & nanny are both back!!! Thank goodness for supportive husbands and hardworking nannies, especially when we have toddler twins!
星期五, 二月 15th, 2013 11:26 am | Gillian
Hi,I have twin boys and a 8 months old baby boy. It’s very hard,but us moms are so strong!185
I am SO glad you are keeping it real with us! So often I read other blogs and wonder if MY children are the only ones throwing food on the floor, walking away from the table after eating 3 bites, spreading the uncooked beans on the floor rather than doing a scooping exercise, and just generally going crazy! I suspect everyone has their moments, but it’s nice to have someone admit to them,so the rest of us don’t wonder why our children aren’t the perfect specimens some blogs portray: )
I have two year old twin boys, no nanny and husband at work. What you’ve just experienced I have at home on daily basis. People probably wonder why I’m not overly energetic and bubbly when we go to the park, for example, but I’m just exhausted. When I’m not at home with the boys, I’m at work. Twins are hard.
Thanks for sharing, Stephanie! This is exactly why I read your blog (even though I don’t have time! Not sure how you have time to write it!) – we are all trying to do the best for our children but we are human too 🙂
Hope your hubbie & nanny are both back!!! Thank goodness for supportive husbands and hardworking nannies, especially when we have toddler twins!
Hi,I have twin boys and a 8 months old baby boy. It’s very hard,but us moms are so strong!185
Yes, we are! Thank you, Augusta!