
星期一, 十一月 12th, 2012 6:01 pm | By Stephanie Woo


M listening to music on Muji CD Player







Reader Comments (5)

  1. This is a great purchase. I am a Montessori trained primary teacher. I am looking forward to home schooling my own child in future. Your blog gives me lots of tips and ideas. Thank you.

    星期一, 十一月 12th, 2012 8:40 pm | Kate
  2. Where did you get the music? Which ones did you use & which instruments?

    星期二, 十一月 13th, 2012 4:47 am | Isabel
    • Hi Isabel, I recommend that you start with just the string instruments, like violin, cello, harp and guitar. Find music that has *just* that particular instrument, like with cello, you can use Bach’s cello suites with Yo Yo Ma or Pablo Casals. With woodwind instruments, we have oboe, flute, clarinet and recorder. With brass instruments, use trumpet, trombone, tuba and french horn. And there are lots of percussion, like snare drum, xylophone, anything with a beat. Hope that gives you a start!

      星期一, 十二月 10th, 2012 3:07 pm | Stephanie Woo
  3. Hi,

    Just saw the Muji player and really interested in getting one. Sadly Muji is not making it anymore but they can be found on ebay sent from Japan. It mentions having to use an transformer or an adapter. In the state is a plug adapter is enough. How are you connecting yours? I wanted to know before purchasing.

    thank you.


    星期日, 一月 26th, 2014 4:52 pm | Pascale
    • I didn’t need anything else besides what came in the box, so I’m not sure. I must admits ours didn’t last as long as I’d like. I ended up buying a much cheaper CD player ($20 on Amazon) in the US that has lasted for the last 2 years.

      星期六, 十月 25th, 2014 5:37 pm | Stephanie Woo


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