
星期四, 九月 1st, 2011 10:07 pm | By Stephanie Woo



地板床最重要的益处就是给於孩子们的自由和选择的馀地。什么时候起床,什么时候睡觉,都完全由他自己决定。婴儿床和高椅等的问题是,它们使孩子觉得无助, 进进出出都得依赖大人的帮忙。然后,他们唯一能够告诉您他们要出来的方式就是向您大声哭。所以向您大声哭其实是他们因爲感到无助而逐渐学习到的行爲。

把宝宝放在地上床垫的话,他们就不需要再向您大声哭才可以做他们想要做的东西了。现在,决定权在于他们。通过这样的自由,他会学习到自律。如果凡事都是由家 长帮孩子做决定的话,他的纪律都是从别人得到的,不算是真正的自律。如您所知,自律这种东西,孩子长大后会比较难学习,所以我非常鼓励您从小就开始把这个 品质灌输给孩子们。这也不会难到哪里去。只要尽量让他们自己选择要怎么去做他们要做的事情就行了!爲何不从让他们选择起床时间这个小小项目开始呢?


Reader Comments (5)

  1. So if 15 months isn't too late, when is a good time to start?

    星期五, 九月 2nd, 2011 12:39 pm | Julie Seltz
  2. Hi Julie, a good time to start is when your baby is 2-3 months old. See this post for more information: https://montessorionthedouble.com/2011/09/03/the-basics-of-floor-bed/

    星期六, 九月 3rd, 2011 10:24 am | Stephanie Woo
  3. I think that crib is a better choice, provided that it is durable. You can easily lift and put your baby to sleep in an elevated bed.

    星期一, 十二月 26th, 2011 11:14 pm | Cosyplay
  4. Oh how I wish I'd known more about Montessori and these methods before I had my twins. Even finding your blog sooner would have helped! My are already 27 months, but I read what yours are doing and it blows me away! Well done.
    I have been trying to incorporate some of your ideas into our daily routine, but they are very resistant.
    The crib thing is something I don't want to change! At this age, I think it will be so much chaos. In fact, I just blogged about it an hour before reading this post. When they were younger, I think it would've gone better, but now…I can't imagine the craziness. I'm very conflicted.

    星期三, 五月 9th, 2012 8:51 pm | Pufferfish
  5. Pufferfish,

    27 months is still very young! Maybe floor bed is not the way to go for them, but it really is about incorporating the ideas behind a floor bed into your life – giving them more independence, teaching them do more things for themselves, like putting on shoes, getting in and out of stroller, eating by themselves, choosing what to eat, etc. Letting them make certain choices that you can live with. Like giving them each two outfits in the morning and letting them choose which one they want to wear. A great book to consider reading is, "How to raise an amazing child the Montessori Way." I really like some of the recommendations they have for children in the 2-4 range. Let me know how things progress with you and your twins!


    星期五, 五月 25th, 2012 4:00 pm | Stephanie Woo


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