
星期五, 十一月 18th, 2011 7:29 pm | By Stephanie Woo

11个月大的Brooke和Mackenzie最喜欢的小点心就是有机的小圈圈麦片(Organic Cheerios)。我把麦片用一个保鲜袋封住,然后放在厨房柜子的最底层抽屉。有一天,我就示範给她们看她们应该怎么打开抽屉,拿出里面的麦片。


原来吃保鲜袋里的Cheerios不够过瘾。隔天,我又在厨房找到她的时候,保鲜袋搁在一旁,她正在直接吃盒子里的麦片!自从那次起,当我在厨房烧菜时, 她们就会随时跑进来拿点饭前点心。虽然饭会吃的少一点,但这个经验给他们的自由和信心﹐我觉得比较重要哦!(当然柜子里不能一次放太多﹐不吃饭也不行!)



Reader Comments (4)

  1. Children are inquisitive explorers by nature. And you have created a safe, age appropriate environment for your children to explore. You are allowing them to develop more than just independence by offering this place in the kitchen in which they can get food for themselves. You are also creating an opportunity for them to creatively problem solve, confidence in their own abilities, and a sense of accomplishment which all builds self esteem.

    星期六, 十一月 19th, 2011 3:12 pm | Daisy Shah
  2. Thank you, Daisy! It does take some creativity for them to figure out how to get the cheerios out of the bag. They've even tried to bite through the bag. Luckily they figured out that the cheerios will fall out if they shake the bag around 🙂

    星期一, 十一月 21st, 2011 12:19 pm | Stephanie Woo
  3. Hi Stephanie, I've never posted before, but I love your blog. I had a question about this post. Is there a concern about eating too much snack food? Our 11 month old daughter just recently started to really enjoying snacks, and whenever I give her a snack container of cheerios, she pretty much eats the whole thing. I want to giver her the freedom to satisfy her hunger, but just a little worried she's eating too much of the wrong stuff or could be spoiling her appetite for a healthier meal. I'd love to hear your take on this. Thanks!

    星期一, 一月 23rd, 2012 12:08 pm | Jenny
  4. Hi Jenny, I would worry that she's eating too much snack as well. I usually give them about 10 cheerios in one sitting. I let them get their own food as a way to give them independence, but I limit how much they can get by themselves. It's important to keep everything in balance – it's great to give them freedom, but you also need to balance it with nutritious meals at set times. From your message, it seems you already knew this! For me, I never give them more than 1 cookie, half a banana or 10 raisins – their snacks are usually limited to those things. Am I a grinch?! But I'm sure that's why they are starving at meals and eat A LOT of veges, protein and grains! Best, Stephanie

    星期六, 二月 25th, 2012 5:07 pm | Stephanie Woo


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