(English) What It’s Really Like to Have Toddler Twins

星期三, 一月 30th, 2013 2:55 pm | By Stephanie Woo

My husband is away on a business trip for 8 days. Our nanny recently went on a 6-week vacation. After three days of being alone with them, last night I had one of those I-hope-no-one-who-reads-my-blog-ever-sees-me-now kind of a moment. I’m in the middle of cleaning up after an elaborate, health-conscious, culturally-educational meal of braised sea bass, tofu with mushrooms and minced meat and a special rice dish with baby bok-choy, edamame and carrots. I’ve got dishes piled up to the ceiling in the sink, a table full of half-eaten food and wondering why I had gone through the trouble of cooking any of it. I’m trying to load the dishwasher as fast as possible, with B tugging at my pants saying, “Mama, don’t wash dishes,” It should have been a sign. Well, the girls decided to go into the rice cupboard, dump out 2 giant cups of uncooked rice on the floor then throw it at each other. “What are you doing? Stop! STOP! I knew I shouldn’t have kept this here where you can get to it!” I go upstairs to get the vacuum. When I come back, they had gotten into the flour and was smearing it all over the cupboard door. I grab their hands and pull them into the living room. “Stand here. And don’t move!” I’m absolutely fuming.

Hours later, I realized two things:
1. You cannot keep up a household the same way you did when you have a husband AND nanny.
2. Of the three most important people in B and M’s life, two of them are gone. And they are desperately trying to get my attention.

I’m still recovering from my burst of anger and ensuing exhaustion from cleaning, but I decided to have a conversation with them anyway. Communicating helps them understand what happened and helps me calm down. At bedtime, I held them and said, “Mama yelled very loudly today, didn’t I?” Nods all around. “Mama is very tired today, so when you threw rice everywhere, I got very angry. I’m sorry I yelled.” They don’t say anything. “When Daddy and Ayi are not here, I need you to help me keep the house clean. Can you help Mama keep the house clean these next few days?” It’s a lot to ask of a 2-year-old, but they nod.

This morning on our way to school, B says, “Brooke didn’t clean up.” I ask, “What didn’t you clean up?” She says, “Brooke didn’t clean up Play-doh.” “Do you want me to help you clean it up?” I ask. She says, “No. Brooke clean up Play-doh by herself.”

It took three days of exhaustion, misery and way too much yelling for me to learn this: No more elaborate meals. No more extensive cleaning. It is time to break out the disposable bowls and plates and do more take-out. They need time with me doing Play-doh, storytime and cuddles more than ever. The acting out is merely their way of getting my attention. I’m putting aside the idea of keeping the perfect home – I’m ready to get on with having the perfect time with them.

Well, I’ve found a great solution. I’ve replaced all bowls, plates and cups with the disposable kind. My goal is avoid washing dishes altogether before my husband comes home. And a couple days of take-out is going to be great for us.

我们在巴尔的摩的家Part III:我们穿衣服的地方

星期一, 十月 22nd, 2012 11:00 am | By Stephanie Woo








在巴尔的摩的家Part II:我们吃饭的地方

星期四, 十月 18th, 2012 9:22 am | By Stephanie Woo


  1. 这是我们从孩子们六个月大就开始使用的断奶桌,这桌子花了我们150美金,但是却非常的物超所值,超过其它我们给孩子们买的东西。我把之前带侧把手的椅子换成重量较轻的板条椅,这种板条椅,是玛利亚蒙特梭利亲自发明的。制作的材料是桦木,所以重量较轻,小孩们可以自己搬动,而且因为设计的好,整个椅子很稳固,同时我觉得这种椅子很好看。如果你也想要订制,可以发电子邮件给我,介绍给你在Denver帮我们制做椅子的木匠。
  2. 杯子和小水壶是桌子上的固定摆设,白天的时候,小孩要喝水时,就可以自己取用。
  3. 脏碗篮平常放在桌子的下方,用过餐之后,她们会把桌子清洁干净,并且将脏碗盘餐具放进篮子里。
  4. 这些是她们用的餐桌垫。我事先在一张纸上头画好盘子,碗,叉子以及刀子的线条,然后护贝。这是我学到的蒙特梭利小撇步,能够帮助孩子们很好的自己摆设餐桌,当她们在摆设餐桌时,她们还会指着叉子的线条,命名“叉子”,然后去旁边的餐车取一支叉子,接着指指盘子的线条,命名之后去取盘子。这些线条给孩子很好的指引,我极力推荐,况且制做简单,又非常便宜,点击视频,看看孩子们如何使用吧!
  5. 这是她们用的碗,盘,叉子以及勺子,这些物件都分别放在各自的容器里。
  6. 这些毛巾用来擦嘴,擦手,有时候水灑了也可以擦。我在毛巾上头缝了一个环,就容易吊挂起来,这是我在接受蒙特梭利培训时学到的,让我省了好多的擦手纸。
  7. 这是小篮子可以装两个海绵,小孩用来擦她们的餐垫,点击视频可以看她们如何做。
  8. 这个带轮子的餐车很轻,占用的空间也不大,可以随需要四处移动。





如果你对于让孩子制作向日葵子奶昔,可以参考以下链接的影片,非常简单!我自己制作的时候,舍弃了巴西核桃不用,改用了腰果或向日葵子: http://livingmaxwell.com/how-to-make-nut-milk