Your baby’s first real meal is a big achievement and a big stepping stone. Prepare something that is homemade and delicious for the big day. This is a great recipe I learned in my Montessori training. My children still love it at 10 months!

STEP 1. What you’ll need
1. Organic rice cereal – I like this brand, Lundberg, the best. I’ve tried Bob’s Red Mill, Arrowhead Mill, but they were too coarse. Lundberg did a great job at creating a very silk smooth texture with this product that is perfect for babies.
2. Real Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese – not a cheap substitute, it really makes a difference
3. A small organic tomato

STEP 2. You can use the proportion stated on the box or do what I do: Use 1/4 cup rice cereal and 1 1/2 cups water (or any 1:6 proportion). I like to use more water because I find when you cook the rice longer, the rice is creamier and silkier. In short, it tastes better. But that’s just my personal preference!

STEP 3. Cut the tomato in half. Separate out the seed, skin and the flesh. Throw away the skin and seed (the seed makes the whole thing taste bitter – that’s a secret I learned during my Montessori training!)

STEP 4. Finely chop the flesh of the tomato.

STEP 5. Pour the finished rice cereal into a bowl.

STEP 6. Combine the chopped tomatoes and shaved parmesan cheese with the rice cereal


STEP 8. Add 3 drops of organic olive oil to add some healthy fat to your baby’s diet.

TASTE IT! Does it taste good to you? It should be bland but TASTY.

STEP 9. My kids love to eat this. We’re already at the bottom of the bowl and Mackenzie is still eating eagerly!